Introducing Velix.ID
Almost all over the world everyone has social media. Such as facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Telegram, Linkedin, and so forth. The purpose of social media is different, although most of the essence to establish communication, setaip social media has advantages and disadvantages of each - each.
But sometimes some people do not want to have social media because of privacy security issues. Especially for a public figure where many people want to know about his profile either phone number, home address and others.
Through the internet we can connect to the whole world. Even someone can find our address through GPS technology. Especially if you install an application or any social media would require data verification. Such as must fill Email, Passport, Identity card, Home address, and Phone number.
Implementation of the test distribution ecosystem provides Velix.ID, a special advantage for users and companies, to solve financial problems of cost, time, privacy and security issues in the field of identity verification. Velix.ID even if the system is corrupted, this platform is optimized for use (ie time and cost) transparent, distributed (not storing data in the central database) (authenticity of transactions can be verified by someone) Protects all types of information, including security (unable to connect, recognizable (user confidentiality always protected), and universal (almost immediate verification of identifiers without geographical restrictions).
Time Consumption
The current identity verification process can take from days to weeks to months; abundant resources are otherwise able to generate income.
Data stored in a centralized location is vulnerable to data breaches and mass violations and risks that expose user identity.
Personally identifiable information (PII) is leaked at various stages in the ID verification process that results in unsolicited use.
Financial loss
The ID verification process raises significant financial costs for businesses.
Almost all over the world everyone has social media. Such as facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Telegram, Linkedin, and so forth. The purpose of social media is different, although most of the essence to establish communication, setaip social media has advantages and disadvantages of each - each.
But sometimes some people do not want to have social media because of privacy security issues. Especially for a public figure where many people want to know about his profile either phone number, home address and others.
Through the internet we can connect to the whole world. Even someone can find our address through GPS technology. Especially if you install an application or any social media would require data verification. Such as must fill Email, Passport, Identity card, Home address, and Phone number.
Implementation of the test distribution ecosystem provides Velix.ID, a special advantage for users and companies, to solve financial problems of cost, time, privacy and security issues in the field of identity verification. Velix.ID even if the system is corrupted, this platform is optimized for use (ie time and cost) transparent, distributed (not storing data in the central database) (authenticity of transactions can be verified by someone) Protects all types of information, including security (unable to connect, recognizable (user confidentiality always protected), and universal (almost immediate verification of identifiers without geographical restrictions).
Time Consumption
The current identity verification process can take from days to weeks to months; abundant resources are otherwise able to generate income.
Data stored in a centralized location is vulnerable to data breaches and mass violations and risks that expose user identity.
Personally identifiable information (PII) is leaked at various stages in the ID verification process that results in unsolicited use.
Financial loss
The ID verification process raises significant financial costs for businesses.
solutions to be provided
A Platform which does not store data in a central database - rather puts it on publicly encrypted ledger - making it safe from mass data breaches.
- Decentralized
Each user registering on Velix.ID will get a unique 8-digit alpha numeric ID that is easy to remember.
- Unique ID
User authorization mandatory for all transactions of ID information.
- Consent
User is in control of his own data at all times.
- Trusted
BusinessUsers can access services easily and promptly without repeatedly requiring to sign-up or entering information information.
- Improved Customer Experience
CostThe cost for new customer acquisition and identity verification comes down.
- Resource Conservation
The time spent in performing multiple signups, gathering and verifying identity information reduces significantly.
- Time
Token Distribution
- VXD is an ERC-20 compatible token on the Ethereal blockchain.
- Allotted VXD tokens: 50 Million
- Token type: Utility Token
- Destination: For Sale in Private Sale, Presale, and Crowdsale. Soft Cap: $ 2.5 Million Cap Hard: $ 25 Million All unsold tokens from token sales will be burned.
- Availability: Token will be directly sent to ERC-20 investor wallets through smart contract.
- Important date:
- The presale begins on 27 January 2018 and ends on February 9, 2018. Crowdsale begins February 10, 2018 and ends March 5, 2018.
Project site
Technical Documentation
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ETH : 0x5f5f506A001A179b8eE67214a7754Bfe04ffadE0
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