UbiatarPlay will be the peer-to-peer marketplace of the ubiatar service.
Ubiatar delivers the power of ubiquity with modern mobile technologies, over a high-performance platform. The starting point is a normal smartphone held by a local individual (the Avatar); Avatar is sent over the network to the Person at home (that Usage) that in turn directs the Avatar so that he/she acts as his / her remote body. The directions are given with a revolutionary GUI (Graphical User Interface) superimposed over the live video stream. Avatars and Usars will meet in the UbiatarPlay marketplace, just like the publishers of apps on the Apple Store and Google Play to the customers all over the world.

Ubiatar is the only project offering a viable and a real solution to the ancient dream of mankind: having the power of ubiquity, or instant transfer to any place.
The starting point is a normal smartphone held by a local individual (the Avatar); Avatar is sent over the network to the Person at home (that Usage) that in turn directs the Avatar so that he/she acts as his / her remote body.
The directions are given with a revolutionary GUI (Graphical User Interface) superimposed over the live video stream.
How it will work
The Avatar offers on the ubiatar marketplace his / her physical presence for any hourly price he/she decides. The Avatar can offer a generic telepresence service in the place where he is (immediately) or in a range around ore or more places (immediately or in a selectable moment of the future).
An Avatar can also of the experiences for any total price he/she decides (for instance a 20-minute exploration of the Colosseum for 30 ubiatar coins).
The Usar finds, on the ubiatar marketplace or via online advertising, an Avatar in a position on the planet where or he/she would like to be telepresent (for instance a student in Hong Kong Kowloon area) or an interesting experience / package (for instance a 30 minutes walk on the Golden Gate bridge in San Francisco). The Usar hires the Avatar or avatar him/her for a future moment on the Avatar's calendar.
The exchange of value is in ubiatar coins, not fat money. In this way, the payments are decentralized, secure, affordable and do not exclude anybody for reasons of
discrimination, poverty, inability or other problems that prevent people from escalating to their true potential all over the world.
The Technology Platform architecture
The ubiatar network is a peer-to-peer cloud-based, autoscaling, cutting-edge system based on the Amazon Web Services data centers. Amazon is one of the largest and most reliable providers of cloud computing power in the Amazon business operations.
Uninterruptible, reliable and potentially without processing power limits, this system is the perfect choice for a service that must support and coordinate millions of all over the world, exchanging low-latency high-quality audio and video streams, even if in a peer-to-peer fashion.
A revolutionary project, aimed at collaboration between human beings to ensure the nature of the "requested experience" and to capture as much of the sensations that can only be provided by physical presence. As I wrote, its applications are innumerable, as the target audience of the project.
With Ubiatar Play, each user can start getting a token (UAC) by offering themselves as Avatar. UAC is the ERC20 token, which works on blockchain Ethereum, and is used by Users to pay for Avatar performance. Avatars can also use UAC with a VISA / Mastercard credit card that will be delivered as soon as the Avatar completes a minimum of 25 performances. In addition, Avatar can collect scores and feedback, which will make it easier for them compared to competing avatars. The more famous they are, the more they will receive the demand and the more they will be able to manage the rates and services.
ICO (Initial Coin Offer) will start soon, which is important to start the platform. The collected funds, in fact, will serve to develop a portfolio in which to hold UAC (wallet), apply Market Place and above all to finance the first phase of platform launch, in the jargon of "growth hack", which will fund the first Avatar, to create interest and then put together an offer.
UbiatarPlay's distribution via ICO will start on March 23rd 2018.
I advise you to keep an eye on it because it has been integrated into a brand new platform for managing ICO called icoengine (by Eidoo) and on which many successful projects with Italian teams were born.
The UbiatarPlay team has decided to restart the token:
UbiatarPlay: 50.5%
ICO: 15%
Presale: 16; 5%
Advisors: 6%
Founders: 12%

Website: https://ubiatarplay.io
Twitter: https://twitter.com/UbiatarPlay
Telegram: https://t.me/ubiatarplay
Whitepaper: http://ubiatarplay.io/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/ubiatarmarketplace-white-paper-3-0.pdf
PROFILE: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1653045
MY ETH: 0x5f5f506A001A179b8eE67214a7754Bfe04ffadE0
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