Gimmer offers easy-to-use advanced algorithmic trading bots that require no programming skills, no previous trading experience and no in-depth knowledge of cryptocurrencies.
Gimmer is perfect for advanced, intermediate and novice traders and investors who want to make money on the cryptocurrency and do not have the time to watch the markets all day long.
Executive Summary
Gimmer will be the automated cryptocurrency trading platform of choice for everyone, from experienced
traders to complete beginners. Gimmer's automated services are easy to use, transparent and secure.
With a social community at the heart of the ecosystem, Gimmer's long term goal is to be the number one destination for people wanting to trade cryptocurrencies.
Trading and investing in cryptocurrencies can be time-consuming and complex. You need to understand the rapidity growing and highly volatile cryptocurrency market. To be successful with trading, you need to be constantly monitoring your trades.
It's not a case of 'set and forget', which means cryptocurrency trading is inaccessible for a large number of potential investors.
Gimmer has been built as a community-based automated cryptocurrency trading platform where users interact, share and learn together. It's easy-to-use and accessible to all types of customers.
Experienced traders can quickly set up a trading bot using the point and click interface. They can rent
their trading strategies to others users via the bot store, generating an additional income while helping the community. Novice users can choose from a range of ready-to-go trading bots solutions built by experienced traders. Choose from pay-as-you-go or free solutions. There is no need for any previous trading experience or programming skills, making Gimmer perfect for anyone who wants to invest in the cryptocurrency market.
The Market
There is an estimated 26 million people trading cryptocurrencies world wide. With over 1,200
cryptocurrencies, and new ones being created every day, there is much to learn for all traders.
To find this information, lots of research needs to be done, which also consumes valuable time.
The daily trading volumes typically exceed $ 11B, with an overall market cap of over $ 440B.
Our aim is to capture the attention of the existing crypto-trading sector as well as to create a new home to draw in a whole new community of traders and grow the space. These will be new traders with minimal experience as well as experienced traders new to crypto who want to create their own
automated trading strategies to rent and thereby earn exchangeable tokens.
Early Product Validation + Roadmap
A beta version was released early in 2017 and had great success. Over 800 active users created 7,170 trading bot strategies with the best performance at + 87% return. Our aggressive road map aims to take our learnings and evolve the core platform and add new ways for users to trade cryptocurrencies, such as Arbitrage and Lending bots as well as a much anticipated CopyTrader feature.
Token usage
The Gimmer Token (GMR), issued according to the DLT legislation set out by HM Government of Gibraltar. GMR Tokens are used to charge automated trading bots, customize strategies with indicators, safeties and multiple currency pairs and to rent trading bots strategies from other users. GMR is also used to reward and incentivise customers through various a! liate and social schemes that benefit the community. GMR is the only payment accepted in the Gimmer ecosystem. GMR Tokens will be exchangeable on cryptocurrency exchanges.
Maximum supply: 110,000,000 GMR
Available in presale: 15,000,000 GMR
Available in public token sale: 85,000,000 GMR (plus any unsold presale tokens)
Soft cap: 4,800 ETH
Hard cap: 35,000 ETH
Maximum Bounties, Advisers, Team and Reserves: 10,000,000 GMR
The amount of GMR created for bounties, advisers, reserves and team will be equivalent to 10% of the amount of GMR
tokens issued (Tokens sold plus bonus o! ered). Bounties: + 4% of total tokens issued. Advisers, reserves & team: + 6% of
total tokens issued.
Accepted cryptos: ETHER (ETH)
Exchange rate: 1 ETH = 2,500 GMR (plus applicable bonus)
Presale minimum transaction: 30 ETH
Public token sale minimum transaction: 0.1 ETH
Token bonus structure
Presale bonus
1,000 ETH and above will receive + 40% Bonus GMR Tokens.
300 ETH to 999 ETH will receive + 30% Bonus GMR Tokens.
30 ETH to 299 ETH will receive + 25% Bonus GMR Tokens.
Public Token Sale bonus
We will open the public token sale with a 20% bonus, which will decrease by 5% each week until the
sale ends or all the max cap has been reached.
Week 1 + 20% Bonus GMR Tokens on all contributions
Week 2 + 15% Bonus GMR Tokens on all contributions
Week 3 + 10% Bonus GMR Tokens on all contributions
Week 4 + 5% Bonus GMR Tokens on all contributions
Token Sale Dates
Presale start: 17 January 2018
Presale finish: 31 January 2018 or when the presale cap is reached
Public token Sale start: 1 February 2018
Public token Sale finish: 28 February 2018 or when the max cap is reached
Issuing of GMR Tokens
GMR Tokens will be issued as each transaction is confirmed. GMR Tokens will be visible in your ERC20
wallet but GMR Tokens will not be tradable until the Token Sale has closed on 28 February 2018.
Closing Statement
The Gimmer team aims to crypto-trading easy and accessible to everyone. The team consists of
proven entrepreneurs, experienced developers and designers all of which are supported by legal,
financial, business and trading experts.
Read our full whitepaper at: https://token.gimmer.net/assets/docs/gimmer-wp-en.pdf
Want to get in touch? You can reach the team at: team@gimmer.net


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