Minggu, 18 November 2018

AGENTMILE - Merevolusi Real Estat Komersial

Tak ragu lagi, hampir setiap orang pernah mendengar bahkan mengucap frasa 'Real Estate'. Namun, sudahkah kita pahamkah makna dari kata real estate?

Apa yang ada di benak Anda membuatkan daftar frasa ‘real estate’? Perumahan elit? Yup, Anda tidak salah jika mengikut pada membaca sebagian besar orang. Bahkan, dengan keheranan, saya menemukan makna real estat sebagai hunian Mewah atau lux diadopsi satu tujuan dalam petunjuk pelaksanaan / juklak perusahaan yang melayani pembiayaan kepemilikan dan penyewaan rumah.

Real estat adalah bentuk investasi di bidang properti. Keuntungannya, bentuk investasi ini sangat cair alias mudah diuangkan. Selain itu harganya tidak pernah turun, bahkan konser naik. Uang yang diperoleh berdasarkan sewa atau penjualan properti kita. Kerugiannya, investasi ini menciptakan biaya operasional yang rutin untuk merawat properti. Jika tidak pandai mengatur properti arus kas, maka bisnis ini akan menghasilkan kerugian meskipun tidak dalam jumlah yang besar.

Real estate bagi para investor yang mencari aset yang kecil, pendapatan yang stabil, modal yang kembali. Hanya saja real estate tidak mampu menghasilkan pendapatan yang sangat besar dalam waktu yang singkat. Investor juga harus meluangkan waktu dan tenaganya untuk mengurusi real estate.

Kita harus sadar bahwa, sebenarnya, kita tidak benar-benar dapat melakukan real estat, bahkan meskipun kita telah melakukan perjanjian jual beli terhadapnya. Apakah benar demikian? Meskipun kami telah membeli sebidang tanah, akan tetapi tidak bisa dilakukan oleh pemerintah. Meskipun kami memiliki daftar nama yang sama dengan kami, kami tetap harus membayarkan pajak atas tanah tersebut kepada pemerintah setiap tahunnya. Inilah yang menunjukkan bahwa sebenarnya kita tidak benar-benar dapat memiliki real estat. Pemerintah yang sebenarnya menjadi pemilik 'real estat'.Pajak yang mengeluarkan atas tanah yang berbeda-beda, tergantung pada penggolongan ruang yang ada, dan juga peruntukkan Bangunan yang ada diatasnya. Pajak atas tanah yang ada di atas bangunan atau yang ada di depan jalan provinsi misalnya, sudah tentu memiliki jumlah besar pembayarannya dengan sebidang tanah dengan bangunan rumah yang ada.

Sekarang platform menyediakan solusi terutama dalam menyewakan real estate dan platform ini telah dipusatkan dengan blockchain menjadi platform pertama di dunia serta didukung oleh teknologi AL, platform ini juga terhubung di seluruh dunia yang dapat merespon dengan cepat terhadap tuntutan konsumen dan investor dan platform ini juga didukung oleh perusahaan yang mungkin akrab bagi kita.

Real Estat Komersial Vs Residential sebagai pilihan investasi
Adegan startup blockchain real estate yang meledak dan sejumlah besar startup ini dirancang dengan real estat perumahan dalam pikiran. Namun, permintaan investor yang tinggi - baik institusional maupun swasta - berpusat pada real estat komersial, menjadikannya bidang yang sangat menarik dan menguntungkan bagi para pencipta blockchain. Inilah sebabnya mengapa AgentMile menganggap bahwa masuk ke celah ceruk ini adalah peluang besar.

Sangat disarankan untuk berinvestasi di CRE yang memiliki beberapa manfaat dibandingkan mitra huniannya:

  • Manfaat Real Estat Komersial
  • Pengembalian dan hasil yang lebih tinggi dari hunian
  • Perjanjian sewa biasanya tengah atau jangka panjang (3 hingga 10 tahun)
  • Nilai aset CRE meningkat dari waktu ke waktu dan jumlah potensi yang sangat baik untuk apresiasi
  • Penyewa sering mengambil tanggung jawab untuk mengeluarkan banyak biaya, misalnya asuransi
  • Hubungan tenant-landlord adalah profesional dan dibatalkan oleh perjanjian
  • Tantangan Perumahan Residensial
  • Kurangnya kas yang terjadi dan sering terjadi selama 100%
  • Perjanjian sewa khusus jangka pendek (6 hingga 12 bulan)
  • Sepenuhnya hidup pada pasar. Nilai properti ditentukan oleh pasar, bukan nilai intrinsiknya
  • Dapat digunakan untuk biaya yang tersedia, jika tidak lebih.
  • Perjanjian sewa tempat tinggal lebih sulit dilaksanakan. Pilihan properti terbatas pada area lokal.

Penjualan Token
Token AgentMile 'ESTATE' adalah token Ethereum berbasis standar EIP-20.

Token Name: AgentMile ESTATE Token
Soft / Hard Cap: US $ 1m (bisnis yang ada) / $ 20m
Token Sale Jumlah: 100.000.000 Token ESTATE
Pra-penjualan publik: 15 September hingga 15 Oktober
Bonus pra-penjualan: 40%
Nama Ticker: ESTATE
Token Harga: 1 Token = US $ 0,20
Rekor Min Token: $ 0,20
Token Sale: 15 Oktober hingga 19 November
Bonus Penjualan Token: 30% hingga 3%

Hasil gambar untuk agent mile bounty
Hasil gambar untuk agent mile roadmap


Minggu, 11 November 2018


Hasil gambar untuk sonata bounty

In the current era of advanced technology, forex trading is currently booming and is starting to show progress now comes a Sonata platform created in collaboration with experienced exchange brokers and Forex analytics. Our products are built with security as the highest priority. All coins are stored safely in the latest hardware wallet. The easy-to-use Sonata interface is suitable for beginners and expert brokers. It's packed with advanced functionality, including custom AI price predictions. We know our customers like social interaction and so do we. Use the full potential of chat rooms on the platform and learn directly from expert brokers.

Main feature
Everything you need from a reliable adult platform

Perfect security
We are committed to securing all your investments at various levels. You can focus on your business without worry.

Built to do
Our designers have spent hours analyzing the experience of professional broker users to build a truly hassle-free interface.

AI prediction
Sonata uses real-time market data and sophisticated AI algorithms to predict future price trends. This offers a great start for beginners.

Margin trading
Margin (leverage) trading is an expert tool used to increase order income. Lenders are rewarded with interest.

Element of social network
Take part in the rumor of cryptocurrency trading. Join the room, send tips to other brokers or learn from experts.

Friendly API
Sonata will provide a fully documented API that can be documented for your robot and other applications.


In the past few years, the cryptocurrency market has been constantly growing. It has become a multibillion-dollar industry, appealing for investors who see it as a platform for making quick money. The sudden popularity of investing in new coins and tokens was undoubtedly inspired by the young millionaires who were invested in Bitcoin, people believed this technology would be successful.

The vision of effortless income has attracted investors, but also large numbers of experienced enthusiasts. A common weakness of these novice investors is that they are not familiar with how cryptocurrency works since they are not interested in the underlying technology of blockchain. Moreover, these new investors typically lack the knowledge of basic stock exchange principles.
However, these newcomers are driving force behind the quickly growing market, fueling the largest share of the industry. Their number is a growing history of public awareness of cryptocurrencies and their benefits spread across the globe.

About SONT tokens
Unlike other ICO projects, the Sonata exchange does not require additional resources to be developed. Thanks to a strong investor behind us, funds obtained during the ICO phase will not affect the development process. The main reason, why we released our tokens, was to attract early investors and share 80% of profits.

There are several ways to get SONT tokens - through public sales, our reference program or as payments for trades that are successful on the exchange. Exchange fees will be one of the few passive income means for both investors and Sonata developers.

Token sale

Token symbol

Standard token

Total token supply

Total tokens for sale

Value of tokens
1 ETH = 2,115 SONT

Currencies accepted

minimum transaction
1,000 SONT

$ 21,000,000

Token sale date
October 8, 2018



Minggu, 04 November 2018


Hasil gambar untuk nollycoin bounty

The development of film in the world today is a very rapid development, along with the rapid development of technology that requires the film industry in the world to compete and create new breakthroughs to meet consumer needs. Changes in the film industry are also evidently starting from the history of film that began with the discovery of a kinetoscope by Thomas Alfa Edison, which at that time was used by individual audiences, until now. Now films in the world are starting to enter in the digital era, with systems that make films look more real. Today's films are not only enjoyed on television but cinemas, VCDs, and DVDs are starting to flourish, even though the internet we can access them. In addition to the media that began to develop, the development of films in the world can also be seen from various aspects ranging from the function of the film itself, the concept of stories or the theme of the storyline, image quality, color, and how the actors play their roles in a film.

Initially, a film functioned for entertainment only, but the growing age of classification which increasingly varied sometimes changed the function of the film itself. Film was originally used as a propaganda tool, and later the film developed into a business field as a commercialization, and in the end, the film became rife with certain types ranging from action, comedy, drama, adventure, epic, musical, war, horror, gangster, thriller, fantasy, and disaster. Films with these types arise because of consumer behavior and are created to meet the needs and fulfillment of consumer tastes.

Now a film platform provides a new breakthrough, this platform documents new and revolutionary Peer-To-Peers for the film industry in third world countries, especially Africa. The Nollytainment Ecosystem will focus on decentralizing the ledger system for film publishing and distribution, with Nollycoin as the main medium of exchange.

Nollycoin allows movie producers and their creative works collaborators to license their content as a "coded contract" directly to a decentralized database called a "blockchain". These contracts automate collection and distribution of royalty payments and movie producers and creative artists themselves.

Consumers can access a global catalog of movies stored on a peer-to-peer network and pay owners directly using digital currencies, based on their usages. The era of use tools that can be designed to allow a seamless experience for both movie owners and consumers and the open protocol will allow a rich Nollycoin third party to build an ecosystem of value-added software and services.

Nollycoin was conceived, designed and designed to provide cutting-edge solutions (African Movies generally) to address specific problems in the industry include:

  • Provide Copyright Protection and Solve Piracy Issues
  • Provide Universal means of exchange for Nollywood movies
  • Provide top Financial Backing for some of the best Producers in the Nollywood to
  • Provide Multi-level World Wide distribution to justify financial investment
  • To Provide Access to Financing and Capital to product qualitative movies
  • Enable Fair Compensation for collaborators in creating the movies
Hasil gambar untuk nollycoin bounty

Sales of the Nolly Coin Token crowd will consist of five different stages based on time and date. The following is a graph that describes prices.
You can find more information about how to buy the Nollycoin Token at the end of this White Book. Prices and Bonuses for each stage of sales are based on market developments and requests.


Hasil gambar untuk nollycoin bounty
Hasil gambar untuk nollycoin bounty




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